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Wills and Bequests


You recognize the good work your Parish and Diocesan Ministries do throughout the Long Island community, and you have been supporting us for many years. Have you considered a gift to us in your will?  

A bequest made through your will is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make a planned gift while providing for the security and well-being of your loved ones. When you create a will, you have the ability to determine how your assets are distributed at your death to the individuals and charitable organizations of your choice. Including a bequest in your Will your Parish or other Diocesan Ministry may be the best way to make a meaningful gift and achieve important tax benefits for you and your family.


If you are interested in leaving a bequest, contact Barbara Kilarjian at 516-678-5800 ext. 257 or for assistance in making the gift that is right for you.

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